A lot of consumers aren’t aware of the numerous advantages that they can enjoy when they carry renters insurance. If you are a renter living in Ankeny, IA, you can purchase renters insurance from Maschoff Insurance.
It’s important that you understand the advantages you’ll get from renters insurance when you buy a policy.
The following are three advantages you’ll enjoy when you carry renters insurance:
Coverage for a temporary residence
If you face an accident that severely damages your rental unit, you might temporarily be unable to live in your home. When this happens, you need to find alternative housing.
One of the great features of renters insurance is that it will typically offer coverage for temporary housing. Your renters insurance policy can pay to put you up at a hotel or in another type of alternative housing until your rental unit is fixed or you’ve found another home.
Liability coverage if you face a lawsuit
You can be held liable for damages if an accident happens within your rented home. Lawsuits resulting from accidents in your rental unit can turn out to be very expensive for you.
Renters insurance offers liability coverage so that the costs of any lawsuits you face as a renter are covered.
Insurance coverage on personal belongings
An incident such as a fire in your rental apartment could destroy your valuable belongings. With renters insurance, you can be reimbursed for the value of personal belongings you lost after an accident damaged your rental unit.
Reach Out To Us
Are you interested in getting a quote on renters insurance? Call us at Maschoff Insurance. We’re here to come to your assistance when you’re looking for renters insurance to cover your home in Ankeny, IA.